Entries by Kim

Lakeland Workspace – The Business of Learning

One of the fun aspects about having a Lakeland workspace that supports other businesses is we get to meet lots of different people solving lots of different problems in lots of different ways! In fact, we’re so fascinated by their stories, we are sharing them here so you can be inspired by them as well.  […]

5 Signs You Need A Stronger Password

All small businesses face a common password challenge – how do we make our online accounts easy for us to access and impossible for anyone else to hack. And it’s not just about finding *the* most excellent password because experts encourage us to use a different one for each account. The idea is that if […]

Why Play Pokémon Go?

It has been less than two weeks since the Pokémon Go app was introduced and yet millions of people are playing it!  I normally ignore such apparent fads, choosing to wait until people within my circle have engaged with it.  I’m not an early adopter type of person!  I didn’t get a smartphone until I […]